Learn the Benefits of 10 Minutes of Meditation | Expert Advice

Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to go wrong? Work was terrible, the kids were bickering nonstop, the freezer broke, and to top it off, you’re running late for swimming lessons. Whether you’re a single mom, working mom, new mom, mom of teenagers, or even a fur baby mom, life can be tough. It’s easy to get lost in a downward spiral of negative thoughts that can quickly drain your motivation and make everything seem overwhelming.But what if I told you that just 10 minutes of meditation a day could help break that cycle? By taking some time to focus on your mental and emotional well-being, you can improve your mood and relationships with your loved ones, even on the toughest of days. So why not give it a try?

I hear many of you saying, “I don’t have 10 minutes for meditation, Clare, I’m too busy!” Trust me, you do and you can.
Taking just 10 minutes to meditate each day can yield calming benefits, increase clarity, and aid in managing frustration with your loved ones. By reducing anxiety, you are better equipped to tackle life’s chaos with confidence.
Think of it as an investment in yourself. Don’t let a hectic schedule rob you of clarity and inner peace. Give meditation a try and see how it can enrich your life!

The benefits of 10 minutes of meditation can include:

  • Seeing stressful situations in a new light and being able to cope with a stressful situation more calmly
  • Managing your stress better
  • Increasing your self-awareness
  • Being able to Focus on the present moment
  • Reducing negative feelings, thoughts, and emotions
  • Increasing patience and tolerance with people around you, even in stressful situations

Meditation might be helpful if you have a medical condition that may be worsened by stress.

It is thought that meditation may help people manage symptoms of conditions such as:

Talk to your GP about using meditation if you have any of the above conditions or other health problems.

Follow these easy steps for 10 minutes of mindfulness

Step 1

First of all, I’d like you to write down all the reasons you’d like to start meditating. Your list might include:

  • I’d like to have more clarity
  • I’d like to stop yelling at my kids
  • I’d like to be kinder to my spouse
  • I’d like to be less anxious
  • I’d like to be more patient
  • I’d like to be able to deal with stressful situations better

Don’t skip this step because you will be referring to this list every day.

Step 2

When it comes to your 10 minutes of daily meditation, pick a time that works best for you. Perhaps wake up a bit earlier to do some morning meditation before the family wakes up or settle into practice before bed when the kids are asleep.

One of the greatest things about meditation is its portability. You can do it while walking the dog, feeding the baby, or riding the bus – anytime, anywhere, on a moment’s notice. The flexibility of meditation sets it apart from gym sessions, which require scheduling classes and equipment, and from more elaborate meditation practices, such as sitting in the lotus position on a cushion for an hour.

Meditation is a practice that rewards the mind and body without the limitations of time or space constraints. With its benefits accessible everywhere, you can meditate while practicing other activities and experience its positive effects.

  • In the bath (breathing meditation)
  • In bed, before you go to sleep (body scan)
  • In the car (breathing meditation)
  • Whilst you’re doing the dishes (mindfulness)
  • Whilst you’re doing your housework (mindfulness)
  • While you are walking the dog (walking meditation)
  • On your lunch break (mindful eating)
  • On the treadmill (mindful chanting)

Write down on your list when you can schedule a time to do your 10 minutes of meditation.

Step 3

Choose a meditation practice that suits you. This might sound a little scary, so I’ve simplified it for you and created this free cheat sheet to get you started, and the good news is that it’s free for you to download when you sign up for our newsletter.

meditation for beginners

You can try many different types of meditation, and I’ll try to simplify them as best I can for you.

Breathing meditation
Where you concentrate on each inhalation and exhalation of your breath, being mindful of its natural rhythm and flow. I love breathing meditation as it instantly makes you feel better.

Here’s a quick exercise you can do right now so you can see how effective it is:

  1. Breathe in slowly and fill your lungs
  2. Exhale slowly
  3. Repeat five times

I bet that is the first time you’ve noticed your breathing today. How much better do you feel with less than a minute of meditation? Now imagine how great you’d feel after 10 minutes of breathing meditation when you allow your body and mind to sync.

Walking meditation

Describes a practice where you concentrate on your walking rather than chatting on the phone or worrying about work. Walking meditation helps you to bring body and mind together while out and about. If you don’t like to sit and meditate, this is a great alternative to practice mindfulness. It is also great for dog walkers, mums with prams, or anyone with a long walk to work!

Mindful eating

mindful eating is where you learn to eat mindfully. You sit down to eat without any distractions, such as TV or phones. You concentrate on each mouthful you put in your mouth. Taking a few sips of water between each mouthful. This meditation is great for anyone who believes they can not find time for 10 minutes. We all eat, and we often eat too quickly. This may be the best meditation for those of you who are very busy every day.

Guided meditation

Describes a meditation led by a teacher. This is a great meditation practice for beginners as the teacher leads you through the basic steps of your meditation. This will help you to learn the skills to help you move on to more advanced mindfulness meditations. Guided meditation is the one I practice almost every day. I find that I get a huge benefit, even from a 10-minute guided meditation instead of doing it independently.

Body scanning
Body scanning involves laying down and paying attention to parts of the body, feelings, and sensations in a gradual sequence from feet to head. Bringing awareness and relaxation to every part of your body. You will notice any aches, pains, tension, or general discomfort. A body scan is a great meditation to do before going to bed, as it is so relaxing.

Mindfulness is where you concentrate on every single thing you do. Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and the surrounding environment through gentle thoughts. This can be when you’re doing the dishes, pegging out the laundry, etc. This is also a great meditation for anyone short of time, as you can practice meditation for 10 minutes whilst doing your housework!


Describes the practice of repeating the same word or phrase like a mantra. I chant A LOT as it helps me meditate when stressed. You can find some great chants and guided meditations on the free insight timer app here. My favorite is “Om Mani Padme Hum” you can find it here.

Write the meditation you have chosen to try on the list you created before. I have written a free list you can grab here.

Step 4

Once you’ve selected your preferred time and type of meditation, it’s crucial to commit to eliminating negative thoughts. Read your list of reasons for meditating every day. This will help you stay committed to your routine, even on days when you’re feeling lazy or time-crunched. Remember, if your chosen practice isn’t suiting you, explore another one!

Step 5

Making time to meditate for just 10 minutes every day, even on the busiest or toughest days, can help you reap the benefits of a more centered and focused life. Practicing daily meditation has the potential to yield almost immediate positive effects that can uplift you both mentally and emotionally.

Step 6

Write down on your list how you felt after your 10 minutes of meditation, for example:

  • I felt calmer
  • I felt relaxed
  • I felt safe
  • I felt stress-free

It’s vital to recognize the feelings of calm and peace that envelop you each time you meditate. This will help you build your motivation and develop daily habits. As you continue, you’ll notice that these positive vibes manifest into a growing list of benefits. Whenever you feel like skipping your practice, revisit this list to rekindle that fire inside you.

It’s important to remember that missing a day is not a big deal. You can start again the following day without losing anything at all!

Meditation is the most flexible thing you can do to look after yourself.

Don’t forget to pick up your free starter pack here!

free meditation starter pack

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