How To Fix Embarrassing Menopause Body Odor

Menopause Body odor is yet another problem to add to the never-ending list of menopause symptoms. In this post, we will give you the best tips and tricks you can use to combat the embarrassing changes happening to your body during menopause and perimenopause, so you can regain your confidence and get your life back!

Why do we suffer body odour during the menopause? 

The endless symptoms of the menopause can be tough to deal with. Body odor is a particularly distressing symptom for women to endure and can leave many people feeling distressed and embarrassed.

If you are having menopause symptoms and feel you need to know how to tell if you have body odour, you might like to seek the advice of a medical professional.

What causes menopause body odour?

menopausal body odour caused by lady sweating

Hot flushes

Hot flushes or flashes can feel like a furnace; you feel like you can’t control your body temperature; feelings of sickness and nausea often accompany it. 

Night sweats

You can often awake to find your bed sheets soaked through to the point that you need to change the bed. Night sweats can play havoc with your sleep patterns and may make you wake up several times during the night. Sleep deprivation can lead to fatigue and exhaustion in the morning.  

Stale sweat

Body odor is caused by stale sweat being allowed to sit on the skin. This then creates the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, which then, in turn, causes an unpleasant smell.

The menopause

When you first become perimenopausal, your body goes through some changes, oestrogen levels drop, and women often experience vaginal changes /dryness, night sweats, and hot flashes. This change can cause excessive sweating, which causes bacteria to develop, causing body odour if left on the skin.

If you are worried about whether other people can smell you, even after bathing, consult your doctor, who will test your overall health and hormone levels.

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For information about menopausal aches and pains, read this post

How to avoid body odor during menopause.

To avoid menopausal body odour:

  1. Shower daily.

    Shower as often as you can.
    Some workplaces provide showers for an extra quick freshen-up during your lunch break.
    I would advise showering at least twice a day if you are worried about menopause body odour.

  2. Change and wash clothes regularly.

    Wash clothing after every use, including bras, knickers, and jeans. Change your clothes daily as often as possible to prevent sweat and bacteria buildup.
    During a hot flush, your body temperature increases, and you start to sweat, which becomes trapped under clothing and starts to smell.

  3. Take a change of clothing.

    If you are away from home for long periods and are suffering from hot flushes or vaginal changes, it is advisable to take a change of clothing.

    A change of underwear for freshening up feels great, especially if it is inconvenient to change your whole outfit.

    Comfortable to wear vest tops and light layers, which you can change quickly without anyone noticing, can make a world of difference to your comfort levels and help prevent embarrassing menopause body odor.
  4. Wear layers where possible.

    This is an effortless way to combat sweating. You can quickly remove many thin layers to reduce body temperature and combat profuse sweating. Ditch the turtleneck and thick jumper until you’re out of the hot sweat phase!

  5. Wear cotton or linen clothes where possible.

    Cotton tends to be a cooler material than most, is comfortable, easy to wear, and wash. Try to choose items that don’t require ironing if you have frequent outfit changes, to avoid a buildup of laundry.

  6. Change beds sheets regularly.

    This is a crucial step when suffering from night sweats, as damp bedding is the perfect place for bacteria to breed.
    Make this process easier by keeping a few different sets of bedsheets close by for an easy change in the middle of the night.
    I found it better to sleep on a towel, which gave me more security when I slept.
    I would also advise putting a mattress protector on the bed to prevent sweat from being soaked, as mattresses are notoriously tricky to keep clean.
    Turning down bedclothes in the morning to allow the bed to air will also help keep linens fresh.

  7. Stay away from strong-smelling foods.

    Spicy and garlicky foods can sweat out in your pores during a hot flush and cause body odour.
    Try to simplify the food you eat and consume foods with fewer spices and strong-smelling flavors.

  8. Drink plenty of water.

    An average person may sweat up to 10 liters a day; this amount will increase during menopause.
    It is essential to replace the fluids and electrolytes you may have lost during night sweats and hot flushes to avoid dehydration.
    Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
    A general guide to fluid consumption is to drink in ounces half of what you weigh so; for example, if you weigh 150lbs, you should try to drink 75 ounces of water a day. If in any doubt, please chat with a medical professional.

  9. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.

    During menopause, your body sweats, and your electrolytes and minerals deplete. Eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables will help replenish all of those lost vitamins and minerals.

  10. Sleep with the window open.

    Fresh air circulating the room can help reduce night sweats by keeping the temperature constantly cool. It is also great to change the air and keep things fresh!

  11. Use a fan.

    If it is difficult or unsafe to sleep with the window open, try using a fan, this is incredibly helpful if you don’t have air conditioning during the summertime.
    Using a fan at your desk at work will help prevent sweating and keep menopause body odor to a minimum. I love my Dyson fan.

  12. Wear loose clothing

    Wearing loose clothing will allow the air to circulate around your body and will help to keep you cooler.

  13. Consider using HRT

    Hormone Replacement Therapy is not for everyone; however, some people have excellent results; check with your doctor to see which options are available.

You can read about menopausal fatigue symptoms in this post.

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Frequently Asked Questions And Answers

How to control armpit odour after menopause?

There are so many changes to your body and changes in body odour during menopause, so you may find your regular deodorant stops working as well as it did. It can be difficult for your regular deodorant to combat menopause body odour.
I would suggest trying different types of deodorant to see if you can find one that better suits you.

What is the best deodorant for menopause body odour?

Most good health shops and pharmacies sell a crystal deodorant, an alternative deodorant made from natural mineral salts called potassium Alam.
Potassium Alam has been shown to have high anti-microbial properties, which can be great if you find that your regular deodorant is not working anymore.
Crystal deodorants are cheap, long-lasting, and kinder to the body.
In my opinion, crystal deodorant is the best menopause deodorant.

I want to know why my sweat smells sweet.

A change in your body odour during menopause is perfectly normal. However, a sweet-smelling sweat may cause an underlying problem, such as diabetes. If you notice a change, see a doctor.

Does the menopause cause body odour?

Hot flushes cause frequent sweating.
Hormonal imbalances and a decrease in oestrogen (which helps regulate body temperature) cause menopausal body changes.
Vaginal changes may also contribute to menopause body odour.

What is the best way to cure menopause sweating?

One of the easiest ways to control menopausal sweating would be to start using hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Speak to your doctor about the various options available to you.

Does the menopause cause body odor?

Not everyone going through menopause suffers from menopause body odor; however, some women find that specific changes in their hormone levels make them more prone to changes in body odor.

For more information about menopausal symptoms, go to

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menopausal body odor pinnable image.

6 thoughts on “How To Fix Embarrassing Menopause Body Odor

    • Clare Davison says:

      It is almost impossible for the human nose to smell yourself, as although your sense of smell can detect billions of scents it’s not brilliant at picking up your own odours. If you are worried you may have a problem with body odour, even though you are practising good hygiene, book an appointment with your doctor to express your concerns.

    • Clare Davison says:

      Hi Shireen, menopause can be the cause of many changes such as vaginal dryness, itchiness, changes in discharge, and sometimes a vaginal odour. I would suggest a trip to your GP to rule out infection, they can also take a test to see if this is a result of fluctuating hormones and if necessary they may prescribe a vaginal cream that contains estrogen. ☺️

  1. Naomi says:

    Over the past through years my body has changed incredibly. My body odur has become that of a teenagers, my digestion sluggish, hot sweats, fatigue, hair loss and the list gos on. However every time I go to the doctors they just fob me off I’m so frustrated. Can you advise me please.

    • Clare Davison says:

      Oh gosh, it’s such a horrible list of symptoms. The same happened to me, my doctor kept fobbing me off until I eventually managed to see a female doctor who was more sympathetic to my problems. It’s a hard struggle to get someone to listen and take you seriously but it’s worth it to keep trying. have you had a blood test yet to check your hormone levels? if not you can request to have that done. you could be perimenopausal which is when many of the symptoms occur. You have to be one year without having a menstrual cycle for them to say that you are post-menopausal. at this stage I would keep going back until someone listens ?

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