How to cook a gammon joint in a slow cooker

Are you a novice cook and want to learn how to make delicious gammon joint in a slow cooker? If so, then you are in the right place! Cooking gammon joint in a slow cooker is an easy way for anyone to prepare tasty dishes on busy weeknights or lazy weekends. In this blog post, I’ll walk you through the complete workflow from start to finish on how to cook a gammon joint in a slow cooker. With just some prep work and patience, you can easily create restaurant-quality meals while enjoying more time doing other activities with friends and family at home. Get ready for your taste buds to be tantalized by juicy, savory flavors!

gammon joint cooked in slow cooker with a glaze

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How to cook gammon joint in a slow cooker


・Gammon joint
・2 Onions chopped
・4 Carrots,
・3 Small potatoes
・Herbs: thyme, rosemary, or bay, depending on taste
・Stock of your choice

Along with the joint itself, you’ll need onions, carrots, potatoes, and herbs, like rosemary and thyme or bay leaves, to complete the flavors in your dish. The aroma of the herbs will infuse into the meat and create a delicious taste.


  1. Prep and season the gammon joint. The first step in making a delicious slow cooker gammon joint is easy: season it with salt and pepper. This simple yet effective seasoning is essential for enhancing the flavor of the meat, creating a succulent and irresistible taste. The key is generously sprinkling the salt and pepper over the gammon joint, ensuring that it’s coated evenly on all sides. With a little preparation, your gammon joint will be juicy and full of flavor, ready to be cooked to perfection.
  2. Arrange the gammon meat on top of the vegetables in the slow cooker. As you prepare to cook your delicious gammon, don’t just toss it haphazardly into the slow cooker. Take the time to properly arrange it on top of the bed of vegetables to ensure an evenly cooked and flavorful meal. By layering the gammon on top, you allow it to cook in the moist heat of the vegetables below, infusing it with all their savory goodness. Plus, it creates a beautiful presentation once you lift the lid on your slow cooker and reveal your masterpiece.
  3. Add the rest of the ingredients to the pot. You can add any vegetables or stock that you have in your fridge to add flavor to your gammon joint.
  4. Set the Slow Cooker to Low Mode for six to eight hours. Set it and forget it! That’s the beauty of using a slow cooker on low mode to make slow cooker pulled gammon. With the long, slow cooking time, the flavors meld together perfectly, and the meat becomes so tender that it falls apart with the touch of a fork. You can go about your day, whether it’s running errands or enjoying time with family, while dinner effortlessly cooks itself. Slow cooking is a healthy way to prepare meals, requiring little to no added fats or oils.

What to serve with cooked gammon

Once the cooking time is up, simply remove the gammon joint from the slow cooker and serve it with your favorite sides. Whether you choose mashed potatoes, roasted vegetables, or a fresh salad – you’ll have cooked a delicious meal that’s sure to impress everyone at your table!

gammon slices with mashed potatoes

What to do with leftover gammon

Once you’ve enjoyed your meal, don’t throw away the leftovers too quickly! The cooked gammon can be stored in the fridge or freezer and enjoyed later as a sandwich, stew, or salad. You could also serve it with a poached or fried egg for breakfast; the choices are endless! Chop up the leftovers, mix them with your favorite ingredients, reheat, and enjoy!

Cooked gammon and honey glaze

For a special treat, why not add a honey glaze to your cooked gammon joint? This simple yet flavorful glaze is made with just four ingredients – honey, mustard, orange zest, and butter – and can be prepared in minutes. Just brush it onto the gammon while it’s hot out of the slow cooker, and enjoy its sweet-savory combination that will make your taste buds sing!

slow cooker gammon with a honey and mustard glaze

Slow cooker gammon with apple juice

For an added layer of flavor, try replacing the stock you add to the slow cooker with apple juice. This fruity twist will provide a subtle sweetness to your gammon and veg dish while enhancing its aroma and taste. Apple juice has natural sugars that help caramelize the top of the gammon joint when it cooks in the slow cooker, creating a crispy exterior that contrasts wonderfully with the tender interior.

Do you have any top tips for cooking gammon in the slow cooker? Share them with us in the comments below!

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