Why does my dishwasher smell like rotten eggs? Find out now!

If you’ve ever opened your dishwasher and been greeted with the smell of rotten eggs, you already know how unpleasant this experience can be. And if you’re like most people, the first thing that might come to mind is, why does my dishwasher smell like rotten eggs? Is there something wrong with it? The answer is – thankfully – No! Although it may seem mysterious and a bit alarming, there are reasonable explanations for why your dishwasher would smell bad. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what causes dishwasher odors and provide some tips on how to get rid of them quickly. So whether you are just trying to figure out why your dishwasher smells so weird or want an answer on how to keep it from happening again, read on!

dishwasher that smell of rotten eggs with holding nose emoji

Reasons why you should never ignore a smelly dishwasher

If you’ve ever ignored a smelly dishwasher, you probably regretted it. That unpleasant odor that seems to linger just isn’t going to go away on its own. Besides being unpleasant, though, there are some other reasons you should never ignore a smelly dishwasher. First and foremost, those smells could be a sign that there’s some kind of buildup or blockage in your dishwasher, meaning it’s not working as efficiently as it should be. Plus, any standing water or moisture in there could lead to mold growth, which is never good for your home’s air quality. So, if you’re dealing with a smelly dishwasher, take action sooner rather than later to get things smelling fresh and running smoothly once again.

What causes the rotten egg smell in a dishwasher

It’s likely due to your dishwasher’s food particles and grease buildup. Over time, these bits of food and grime can become lodged in your dishwasher’s filter and spray arm, creating the perfect environment for the growth of bacteria that produces hydrogen sulfide gas. And if you’ve ever smelled sulfur, you know it’s not a pleasant scent, so your dishwasher smells like rotten eggs! So what’s the solution? Regularly cleaning your dishwasher’s water filters and spray arm can help to prevent the buildup of grime and food particles, thus eliminating the unpleasant odor in your kitchen.

dishwasher spray arm

How to diagnose the source of the dishwasher smell

It is important to identify the source of the odor as soon as possible. An unpleasant smell from your dishwasher could be caused by several things, such as food debris, soap residue, a fault with your garbage disposal, or even mold and mildew.

First, Determine Whether the Water in Your House Also Smells

Check to see if there’s any debris clogging the pipe leading into your home – sometimes, old pipes can cause peculiar odors to occur. If not, it may indicate that the water isn’t properly filtered and treated. In this case, contact your local water authority for assistance. Alternatively, you might consider installing a home filtration system to help improve the water quality in your home.
Sometimes smelly drains may be caused by stagnant water in the p-trap, read this post if you think it may be the problem.

To diagnose the source of the smell in your dishwasher, begin by running an empty cycle on the hottest temperature setting. This will help to remove any food particles stuck in crevices and kill any bacteria or mold spores that may be present.
After completing the hot cycle, inspect your dishwasher for any debris or residue buildup. If you notice areas where food particles have become lodged, use an old toothbrush to remove them.
Sometimes, a foul smell may be caused by a clogged drain in your appliance. Remove the lower spray arm to inspect the area and look for blockages. If you notice food debris or other objects blocking the drain, carefully remove them with pliers or tweezers.

Simple cleaning solutions to eliminate the bad dishwasher odor.

  1. Start by emptying your dishwasher and disposing of any food particles.
  2. Add a cup of white vinegar to the bottom of your dishwasher and run it on an empty cycle at its hottest setting. The acidic acid in the vinegar will break down fatty buildup that can cause odors and dirty water to accumulate in the bottom of the machine.
  3. Clean the dishwasher filter and ensure no particles are stuck in the drain.
  4. Sprinkle one cup of baking soda into the bottom of your dishwasher and run it on an empty cycle at its hottest setting. The alkaline nature of baking soda will help act as an odor neutralizer to eliminate bad smells and make the stainless steel sparkle.
  5. After running through the previous steps, Use essential oils to freshen up your dishwasher. Place a few drops of your favorite essential oil onto a sponge and run it on an empty cycle at its hottest setting.
  6. Finally, wipe down the inside of your dishwasher to eliminate any excess moisture that can cause foul odors.
  7. To protect from odor-causing bacteria, add a teaspoon of bleach to your dishwasher’s detergent compartment before running it on its hottest setting. This will help disinfect and keep your dishwasher clean.
  8. Check around the door seals to ensure no food bits are stuck there, which could cause bacteria buildup.
  9. Ensure you wash dishes frequently and do not let them pile up in the dishwasher. If dishes are left in the dishwasher for too long, it can cause bad odors to form.
  10. Clean out your dishwasher after each cycle and run small loads more often to keep your dishwasher smelling fresh.
dismantled dishwasher drain

For more life-changing dishwasher hacks, read this post.

The importance of maintenance and proper care for a dishwasher

We rely heavily on our dishwashers to make our lives easier. However, it’s important to remember that they need proper care and maintenance to function at their best. A well-maintained dishwasher not only helps ensure your dishes are clean and sanitized, but it can also help extend the lifespan of your appliance and save you money in the long run. So, what can you do to keep your dishwasher in tip-top shape? Regularly clean the interior, including the filters and spray arms with soapy warm water, and make sure to use the right type and amount of detergent. Additionally, be sure to address any leaks or malfunctions promptly.

dishwasher filter

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Tips for preventing dishwasher odors from coming back in the future:

1. Use a good-quality rinse aid like this one to help prevent water spots and food particles from sticking to the dishwasher walls.
2. Make sure you scrape off large bits of food from dishes before placing them in the dishwasher; this will reduce odors caused by stuck-on bits of food decaying over time.
3. Clean out your dishwasher filter regularly to ensure it works efficiently.
4. Run hot water in the sink before starting the dishwasher; this will help ensure that all of your dishes get washed at a consistent temperature.
5. Use less detergent than you think you need; using too much can leave a residue on your dishes and affect their shine.

pouring rinse aid into a dishwasher

In a nutshell

Restoring your dishwasher to its proper working order can be equally as easy with a few simple steps. To ensure that this bad odor does not come back and haunt you in the future, have a regular cleaning routine – including regularly replacing your filters and using baking soda inside the dishwasher. Additionally, by taking into account the daily needs of your loved ones and family, you can ensure you’re not overloading it so that it may run hot enough to remove any mineral residue. Most importantly, if your dishwasher smells like rotten eggs again – don’t delay to find out why!

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