Monthly Archives: March 2019

What Happened When I Tried A 1950s Housewife Schedule

1950's housewife

I decided to write a light-hearted post about how different our lives are today from our grandmothers and great-grandmothers of the 1950s. I chose to do a little research into the 1950s housewife schedule to see exactly how different things are today and see if I could gain some 1950s cleaning tips! The 1950’s housework […]

How To Make My Bathroom Cleaning Checklist Work For You!

bathroom cleaning checklist

I’m one of those sad people who enjoy cleaning bathrooms, I think it’s one of the few jobs that makes a huge difference, for not too much effort! Knowing how to clean bathrooms quickly will hugely speed up your cleaning time. I’m sharing my bathroom cleaning checklist and a few bathroom cleaning hacks to make […]

How To Stop Wasting Time And Start Organising Housework.

start organizing housework

This month’s blog posts are all about saving you time! I’ll be helping you get out of your housework rut and will be giving you some fantastic tips and tricks for organising housework. I’ll be giving you a simple housework routine, an extensive housekeeping checklist, and a beautiful cleaner planner, so whether you’re a working […]